The platonic solids is a set of enamel and acrylic based paintings. The set of four works contain compositional variations within the picture space through rearrangements of these geometric forms. Comprising of the tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron- a platonic solid is a regular convex polyhedron, constructed using consistent regular faces with the same number of faces meeting at each vertex. These formal structures occur frequently in nature including in various crystal formations and the physical form of viruses etc. Studied for their mathematical beauty for thousands of years Plato constructed a vast cosmology in his dialogue, the Timaeus through appropriating the qualities of these shapes.
Plato’s cosmology associates these forms with the classical elements (earth/solid, air/gas, water/liquid, and fire/plasma) and creates a metaphysical geometric mythopothical reality; a totalising theory for understanding the material world.
My work plays with these notions and forms creating algorithmic parodies of a platonic inspired metaphysical worldview.