This project formed the basis for my Research Masters submission completed in 2011. Below is an abridged version of the abstract.
This research focuses on a visual exploration of technological and informational overload. It places emphasis on the encoding and modelling of technology utilising a range of theoretical sources and understandings to explain this. This conceptualisation of encoding as integral to our subjective relationship with technology is also coupled with an understanding that technology progresses at an exponential rate.
The artwork that creates a dialogue across these ideas is constructed using systems, codes and formulas to create a sprawling installation. The various component parts of the installation can be viewed both as discreet elements and as sections which combine to form a unified whole. The larger installation (whole) will be organised through the dynamic of exponential growth and is made up of painting, drawing, sculpture and video and contains a limited number of visual motifs which evolve and mutate through each medium. These visual motifs or elements are chosen based on rules and categories that are encoded within a series of charts (akin to a Table of Elements). The use of map-like charts, tables and diagrams plays a vital role in the installation and exegesis as they function both as a ‘part’ of the whole and as indicators of how to navigate its complex circuitry.
The project, by becoming or inhabiting the processes of exponential growth and change and by suggesting a web of complex associations and pathways, visualises new ways of understanding our multi-faceted relationship to these issues.